Friday, February 24, 2017

Garage Door Maintenance

Highlands Ranch Garage Door Installation

You may be one of those homeowners who never think twice about the maintenance of their garage door. Unfortunately, this is something that we see all too often. We encourage homeowners to consider contacting us at HR Garage Door Repair at least once a year to evaluate the condition of their garage door. You might be asking yourself, why. The reason is so that you can continue using your garage without any type of incidents occurring that can harm you or anyone else. Keeping your garage door in good condition also helps to eliminate the possibility of your door causing you trouble. Households that have more than one driver, use their garage often.

There is bound to be some signs of wear and tear that the door will experience. It is simply impossible to avoid as long as the door is being used. We understand that most drivers simply move in and out of their garage and never take notice of the condition of the garage until they have no choice. Now they are hearing strange sounds or the door will not open or close. Well, trust us when we tell you that you never have to experience these types of problems as long as you do something to avoid it; have regular garage door maintenance performed annually.

Many garage door services offer a Maintenance Program to keep your garage in tip-top shape. Since your garage door is usually the heaviest and biggest piece of equipment in your home, it is only reasonable to conclude that the door will need readjusting at some point. Making sure that every component attached to your garage door is the job of a qualified garage door professional. They know where all of the nuts and bolts to your door are located and are able to make sure that they are all there and accounted for. Call and schedule your garage door maintenance today.

There are numerous benefits to having your garage door serviced annually:

  • Minimizes problems you’ll experience with functionality
  • Reduces the need to call a garage door company for emergency servicing
  • Avoids disrupting your day
  • Maintains the life of the door
  • Provides optimum efficiency

Some homeowners decide to have their garage door serviced more often than once a year. If they know that their garage door takes a beating; because it is being used often, they may actually schedule servicing semi-annually. Whatever your needs are, you can be sure that there is a qualified garage door service technician who is happy to provide you with the help that you need. No one should be harmed or lose their life due to a faulty garage door. Avoid the dangers that can occur from using a faulty garage door by making maintenance a priority.

You might be wondering why you can’t handle this on your own. While you are certainly able to do certain things to ensure that your garage door continues to operate, such as change transmitter batteries. There are simply some things that are best left to the trained and qualified service professionals.

Maintenance Performed by Professional Technicians

  • Tighten up door hinges, track brackets, couplings, back hangs, drums
  • Lubricate hinges, rollers, shaft bearings, chain hoists and release mechanisms (and any other areas that need lubricating)
  • Evaluate cables, rollers, tracks, chains, alignments and bottom bars
  • Adjust clutch, limit assemblies and brake
  • Evaluate the doors safety mechanisms, springs, transmitter and other door controls to ensure they are all in good working condition

If you have not received the proper training to be able to properly identify and remedy the problem, we highly suggest that you give our garage door service technicians a call to allow them to handle this job for you. With so many moving parts and pieces, it can be quite a challenge to keep up with them all. All you have to do is forget one major part and you could be setting yourself up for some serious repair issues.

While we may encourage you to allow us to handle the job of maintaining your garage door, you can still do your part by making sure you write down your scheduled appointments and any work that was performed. If you notice a pattern of the same problems, you might need to address them since it could be something that you and other drivers in the household are doing to contribute to the problem. Why continue paying for the same problem over and over again? We are sure that your money can be better used for something else.

In between your schedule appointments you can do your part by making sure you listen for any strange sounds that your door might make. Far too often we realize that there were signs of a problem long before we were called on to handle the problem. This is because many people ignore the sounds they hear. It’s strange to hear that some people assume that the problem is going to miraculously go away if they do not do anything to address the situation. The truth of the matter is that this isn’t true. It will only make the problem worse and you will be out of more money than you imagined.

Continuing to use your garage when it needs maintenance or repairs will undoubtedly make the problems that you are experiencing worse. Refrain from using your garage if you begin to notice strange noises. Save yourself from further expenses by being proactive and scheduling maintenance for your garage door today. If you have never had maintenance performed before, what are you waiting for? There is no better time than the present to do something to make sure that you’re safe from any harm that can come to you and your family due to a problem you might be experiencing with your garage door. It is time to give serious consideration to the condition of your garage door and make sure your door is safe for use.

Aricle source here: Garage Door Maintenance